Valencia has seen the start of the VCV on 18 occasions and has hosted the final finish in 69, while only in 1996 and 1999 no stage passed through the capital of the Turia. The Alameda and the Plaza del Ayuntamiento have been the places that have hosted the most finishes. It will be the second time that the VCV finishes in the Port of Valencia after the success of the recent 75th VCV held in 2024.
809.501 habitants
Ciutat de València, València
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Great cyclists have been born in the city of Valencia. Such as Salvador Cardona, the first Spaniard to win a stage in the Tour de France and winner of the first VCV, both in 1929. The love for cycling in the city can be seen every weekend in Valencia and its surroundings.
The economy of the city of Valencia is linked to the service sector, which represents 84% of the total. However, the city maintains an important industrial base and its dynamism makes it a reference for multiple economic activities. Tourism, obviously, is another great economic engine for València.
Valencia has outstanding cultural institutions that have a growing importance in its development: the Palau de les Arts, the IVAM, the Palau de la Música or the City of Arts and Sciences provide an undeniable added value to the city and its metropolitan area as a cultural and leisure center.
Valencia is an international reference in the world of sports, both for its great professional clubs and for the events it organizes (València Marathon, Davis Cup, Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup…) and the great love for sports that characterizes its population.
The gastronomic València has little to envy to any great international capital. It is the origin of paella and the land of top chefs. Also noteworthy is the lunch (‘esmorçaret’ in Valencian) and its ‘communion’ with cycling.